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  •  Iran's Scientific Association of  Healthy Food and Nutrition - ISAHFN- (established in 2006) is a scientific and non-governmental association with the aim of helping to improve the state of food and nutrition in the society and supporting those people, industries and guilds related to food and nutrition, which is one of its main purposes. maintain and promote the health of society. The criterion of judging in this regard will be the latest scientific findings and national policies regarding food and nutrition.
    As a connecting link between experts, producers and consumers, the association hopes to encourage them to converge in ensuring the health of society members in the field of food and nutrition.Also, to communicate with governmental and non-governmental organizations and institutions whose duties and functions are somehow related to food and nutrition; By proposing effective policies, he tries to develop health-supporting food and nutrition policies and scientific consultations for better use of resources, and to raise the awareness of society by publishing messages and gaining support.
    The association pays attention to improving the knowledge of its members in the field of food and nutrition through communication with international organizations in order to transfer up-to-date knowledge

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